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Quick Note: This guide was written for educational purposes, and in no way does it condone or promote the use or sale of illegal steroids and substances.


Best Oral Steroids for Strength and Muscle Gain

Injectable steroids are highly popular!

For one, they make stacking on new muscle a breeze, and they quickly supply the bloodstream with exogenous testosterone without excessively straining the liver.

But let us be honest, not all bodybuilders like the idea of using needles as some people may find them painful.  Plus, they have inherent risks; inject it in the wrong place and death/paralysis may occur!

Given these risks, many prefer oral steroids as they do not pose nearly as much risk to the liver, known as hepatic damage.  Oral steroids are also more convenient and widely deemed to be the safest of the two forms.

If you are tired of hitting the gym with no muscle to show and want results sooner than later, then you are at the right place as we cover the best oral steroids for new muscle and strength gains below so you can choose the right one for your personal fitness and growth goals – you can truly be ripped in no time!


#1 Superdrol

Also known as Methasterone, Superdrol is among the most potent of all anabolic steroids.  From bigger muscles to increased strength and lifting abilities, Superdrol truly lives up to its name and all of the hype.

Most bodybuilders say Superdrol is Trenbolone in oral form as it causes quick changes to the body that bring dry muscle gains along with it.

Unlike some steroids, it is unique in that it does not aromatize into estrogen, which means you can retain all the weight you gained once your cycle is over as it does not increase water retention in the muscles.

Most times, Superdrol is used by long-time steroid users who have been on them for some time, and with the goal of taking physique to new levels by building toned and defined muscles.

Superdrol is strong and is ideal for experienced steroid users.  It works well but keep in mind it is among the most toxic of all steroids given the liver strain and elevated blood pressure it can cause, as learned in a study by the National Library of Medicine.

Often said in the bodybuilding community to be a ‘Bomb on the Kidney’, Superdrol is cardiotoxic and can have hassling side effects on those trying steroids for the first time.  As such, it is best taken by seasoned bodybuilders, and best avoided by beginners who have never taken steroids before – heed these words!

Cycling Superdrol causes strength levels to rapidly increase in a short span of time, this is exciting news for many but know this also makes Superdrol more likely to cause injury than other anabolic-androgenic steroids.  As such, it is very important not to try and lift as much weight as you can while cycling it as this may lead to a ruptured hernia, and a subsequent trip to the emergency room for surgery.


Superdrol Cycle

Rarely is this steroid stacked with others given the severe and adverse effects that can occur.

For the best experience, take it solo with no other steroids to keep side effects to a minimum.

Quick Fact:  Stacking steroids leads to more intense side effects and can cause the bloodstream to have greater levels of exogenous testosterone.

  • Week 1, 20mg per day.
  • Week 2, 20mg per day.
  • Week 3, 20mg per day.
  • Week 4, 20mg per day.
  • Week 5, 20mg per day.


#2 Anadrol

Also known as Oxymetholone, Anadrol is sourced from DHT and is a powerful compound known as being the best steroid around, due to the impressive mass gains it enables.

Unlike Superdrol, Anadrol is estrogenic, so if you take it you can expect huge weight gains due to more lean muscle and greater water retention in them.

Most people see soaring levels of strength and thirty pounds of new weight but like Superdrol, Anadrol is quite hepatotoxic too, this means it can cause higher ALT (alanine transaminase) and AST (aspartate transaminase) levels within liver function tests, more on that here if you care to read a research study.

If you try Anadrol, you can do like most and take TUDCA, a water-soluble bile salt that naturally occurs in the body, to help diminish the hepatic effects and damage.

Note: It is a wise and advised idea to take the TUDCA supplement any time a hepatotoxic oral steroid is being cycled.

One of the most popular ways Anadrol is used is in pre-competition prepping, many athletes take it briefly before an event to bolster their physique and muscle fullness.  The reason they use Anadrol for this is it does not cause high water retention so you can preserve definition and let your muscles thrive.

Do know that Anadrol may cause harm to the heart like Superdrol, which can lead to issues like cardiac hypertrophy, and more commonly, high blood pressure.


Anadrol Cycle

  • Week 1, 50mg per day.
  • Week 2, 50mg per day.
  • Week 3, 50mg per day.
  • Week 4, 75mg per day.
  • Week 5, 75mg per day.
  • Week 6, 75mg per day.

Cycle Anadrol on its own or stack it with other bulking steroids if you wish for maximum mass, results, and strength.  If you do stack Anadrol, the best steroids to pair it with are Trenbolone, Testosterone, or Deca Durabolin but never pair Anadrol with hepatotoxic compounds as this can accelerate liver damage.

While not advised, some people take doses as high as a hundred milligrams for a cycle of eight weeks but they often take SERMs (an estrogen agonist) too as it helps prevent breast tissue from expanding, a condition known as Gynecomastia.


#3 Dianabol

Of all oral anabolic steroids, Dianabol is most popular and the one most likely used by fellow those at your local gym.  Dianabol has been around for ages and was popularized in the 70s when it was rumored that bodybuilders like the infamous, Austrian-born Arnold Schwarzenegger used it to dwarf opponents.

In terms of effects, Dianabol is like Anadrol as it is a muscle-gaining agent with hepatotoxic/estrogenic properties.  One benefit of Dianabol is it does not cause serious androgenic effects as its 5α-reductase enzyme is much less than most compounds – so testosterone converting into DHT is less likely to occur.


Dianabol Cycle

  • Week 1, 20mg per day.
  • Week 2, 20mg per day.
  • Week 3, 25mg per day.
  • Week 4, 25mg per day.
  • Week 5, 25mg per day.
  • Week 6, 25mg per day.


As a versatile steroid, you may cycle it alone or with other bulking steroids, though this is only advised for seasoned users with experience.  Also, never is it a good idea to stack Dianabol with hepatotoxic oral steroids so never, ever take Dianabol in tandem with compounds like Winstrol, Anadrol, and Superdrol.


#4 Testosterone

This steroid is most often injected but good news for those fearing needles, it comes in oral form too!

Sold under multiple brand names, Andriol, or Testosterone Undecanoate, is unique as it is in tablet form.

This is a big deal as this lets the body absorb it via the lymphatic route, which poses less risk of harm and damage to the liver than the injected form.

For maximum absorption, those who take oral testosterone should consume twenty grams of dietary fat with each dose as on an empty stomach, its bioavailability is very low.

This is one thing that separates Testosterone from most steroids as it is not c-17 alpha-alkylated.  This means it should not be taken on an empty stomach.  The reason being is it is fat-soluble and will not be fully absorbed if not digested with food.

Testosterone truly shines in the oral steroid scene, not just because it works, but because it is one of the rare few to be FDA-approved for the treatment of certain medical conditions, like hypogonadism.  It is also mild in nature so it is ideal for steroid newcomers who want an easy-going boost to achieve greater muscle mass.

Oral testosterone can work wonders for the physique, the only real reason bodybuilders inject it is it is considerably cheaper, but the oral form should serve you fine!  One benefit of oral testosterone is it goes to work very quickly as it tends to peak in the bloodstream within five hours of taking a dose.


Oral Testosterone Cycle

  • Week 1, 400mg per day.
  • Week 2, 400mg per day.
  • Week 3, 400mg per day.
  • Week 4, 400mg per day.
  • Week 5, 400mg per day.
  • Week 6, 400mg per day.


Given its low bioavailability, Testosterone Undecanoate yields the best results when taken in large doses of 2,800mg per week.


#5 Winstrol


Also sold as Stanozolol, it stands second in popularity to Dianabol and is mainly used as a cutting agent.

This steroid works by supporting lean muscle growth, and by enhancing your ability to burn fat.  It also diminishes SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) levels.  This is a BIG deal as SHBG-bound testosterone inactivates so with less SHBG, you free up testosterone and enjoy more energy and stamina as a result.

With testosterone being as important as it is to physiological processes, including but not limited to, the production of new muscle tissue, this beach-body steroid can rapidly diminish body fat and enhance the rate at which you build defined, long-lasting muscle.  It also boasts diuretic effects, so you can expect to produce more urine and in return, rid your body of excess salt and fluid.

This can bring a dry and defined physique with standout vascularity.  If there is a downside to Winstrol, it is the water loss that may occur as muscle growth will occur but they will not have the full or bolstered look some people may be looking for.

However, with fast weight gain and improvements in physique, Winstrol remains highly popular among athletes and aspiring bodybuilders but cycle it mindfully.  It is, after all, a toxic oral steroid that can cause strain and stress to the liver.  It may even spur joint inflammation, which can lead to intolerable pain and discomfort for some people.


Winstrol Cycle

  • Week 1, 20mg per day.
  • Week 2, 20mg per day.
  • Week 3, 25mg per day.
  • Week 4, 25mg per day.
  • Week 5, 25mg per day.
  • Week 6, 25mg per day.

Note: While there are bodybuilders that cycle higher amounts of Winstrol, the above dosage guideline is best for newcomer or intermediate steroid users with none or little experience taking these compounds.


#6 Anavar

Also known as Oxandrolone, Anavar is a more reserved anabolic steroid; it has mild effects, and is mostly used during cutting cycles.

Like Winstrol, Anavar is among the rare few steroids that yield fast fat burn and massive lean muscle gains.  One advantage Anavar has over the rest is it reduces both visceral and subcutaneous fat, unlike most anabolic steroids that tend to diminish subcutaneous fat while increasing visceral fat, which leads to the dreaded look of being bloated – we do not want that now, do we?!

With Anavar having positive effects on insulin sensitivity, and with it enhancing T3 hormone levels that aid the metabolism and regulation of adipose tissue, Anavar can produce impressive mass gains in very short time frames, and ones that rival steroids like Anadrol and Dianabol.

Despite its powerful, transformation properties, it is mild in nature with side effects not as severe as more potent steroids.  This makes it very popular and newcomer-friendly with men and women alike.

Anavar is an excellent oral steroid for fortifying muscular strength, and can help you get stronger, faster, without graduating to a new weight class in the process.

Anavar Cycle

  • Week 1, 15mg per day.
  • Week 2, 15mg per day.
  • Week 3, 15mg per day.
  • Week 4, 20mg per day.
  • Week 5, 20mg per day.
  • Week 6, 20mg per day.

The doses above are for men, women should take five to ten milligrams daily to avoid masculinization.


Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Steroids


Where can I buy Oral Steroids?

First things first, anabolic steroids are classified as Schedule III-controlled substances so they are illegal in most countries, including but not limited to, the UK and US.

While some are FDA-approved, like Anavar and Testosterone, you need a doctor-issued prescription to legally obtain them, though it is not common for bodybuilders to use the black market to get their hands on steroids, which may be from an online store or from a trusted dealer they know from their local gym.

Are Oral Steroids Safer Than Injectable Steroids?

Despite the stigma on this topic, oral steroids are not necessarily more safe or dangerous than injectable ones.

The frequent notion is oral steroids are worse as they cause damage to the liver, whereas injectable steroids bypass the organ.  Now, it is true oral steroids induce more strain on the liver but which is safer to take can vary from one person to the next based on many factors.

For the most part, oral steroids do have a worse impact on cholesterol levels as they pose strain on the cardiovascular system due to their stimulation of hepatic lipase in the liver.

All this said, most use the rule of thumb that injectable steroids are the ideal method of intake as this lowers the risk of damage to the liver and heart.  More research is needed but there may be exceptions as some oral steroids, like Anavar, Primobolan, and Testosterone, pose none to minimal hepatic strain.

What is the Strongest, Most Powerful Oral Steroid?

When it comes to colossal muscle and strength gains, Trenbolone, or methyltrienolone, is the one to get the job done!

However, it has high toxicity, even in small doses, so it is rarely taken by bodybuilders and when it is, it is often had in injectable form.  Liver issues and high blood pressure are common side effects of Trenbolone so it is generally deemed unsafe, especially since it can have adverse effects on the central nervous system that can lead to mood and well-being imbalances, some compare the effects to those of cocaine and amphetamine.

Popular oral steroids that are widely deemed safe for use during bulking cycles include Anadrol, Superdrol, and Dianabol as these have a harmonious balance of positive results and minimal side effects, especially when directly compared to Trenbolone.  When it comes to the most potent oral steroid, Winstrol would be our number one pick!

What is The Best Oral Steroid for Beginners?

While more expensive, the best oral steroids for beginners are Anavar and Testosterone Undecanoate.